One of the steps I was most concerned with on this build was the upholstery of the seats. Originally we planned to have it professionally done, but put simply, funds don't allow right now. Hence, I attempted to install the upholstery set that came with the kit by following the less-than clear instructions. All in all they came out well. There are some wrinkles in the seat sides, but that was a necessary evil as I trimmed the padding so someone of my size could fit comfortably in the seats, which were apparently designed for midgets.

The first steps were the easiest... Putting a pinch moulding around the sharp edges of the fibreglasss buckets, cutting the oval cutouts from the seat back, installing plywood strips for stapling purposes, and installing seat sliders. Mine were from EMPI and worked very well. The bottom seat upholstery is actually a separate piece, pulled over a plywood base, glued, stapled, and later bolted down to the bucket...